Lononaut's Ethics Policy and Other Disclosures
When Lononaut first opened in February 2021, no one knew how to best promote the business of reporting, marketing, and storytelling. (One thing I wish I'd known: opening a Google Workspace account right away and securing all domains through a Google Workspace account would have made housekeeping so much easier.)
As Lononaut progressed, the need for disclosures became more apparent. Below are our policies, which may be updated as we study best practices of similar organizations.
Ethics Policy
Warren Buffett: "Lose money for the firm, and I will be understanding. Lose a shred of reputation for the firm, and I will be ruthless."
Lononaut must act with honesty, integrity and openness in all dealings on behalf of the organization. Lononaut promotes working relationships based on open feedback in order to incorporate the best ideas, wherever they may be found. If you believe Lononaut has made a mistake of fact or a factual error, please email matthew@lononaut.org and provide the following information: 1) a link to the publication or statement you believe is factually false; 2) a link or a paragraph explaining reasons you believe Lononaut has made a factual error; and 3) if available to videochat, your contact information on WhatsApp or Facetime.
Lononaut must avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest, and should never engage in any activity that might compromise or appear to compromise its credibility or reputation for independence or impartiality. To this end, Lononaut shall make appropriate disclosures when receiving payment or payment-in-kind for any publication or work.
In addition to making appropriate disclosures, Lononaut is committed to conducting business legally and ethically and intends on complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
[This post has been backdated. It was originally published July 2021.]
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